Day 21 Khiva to Bukhara (4th June)

We got up early and were the first for breakfast together with a charming Japanese couple. We then went back to the ATM to wait for the bank official. A passing Uzbek who spoke excellent English explained the problem to him and he gave us the money. On the way back to the hote1 we bumped into Sam from Maidstone who was part of a group travelling in a camper van to Kyrgyzstan. They had no trouble getting a visa to cross Iran and were amazed to hear that we were refused a visa because we were driving a camper van

We then set off for Bukhara feeling rather sad at leaving the excellent Shahrazade hotel and its lovely staff. Stopping on the way for breakfast, we were approached by John from Germany who was driving a motor bike through Kyrgyzstan, China and Mongolia to Vladivostock in Russia before sending his bike to Japan. He is doing a Youtube account of his travels: JohnBeyondBorders. We got to the outskirts of Bukhara and stopped for a meal of excellent kebabs (I had chicken and Jennifer lamb) at a truckers caff, We found a wide stretch at the side of the road and settled down for the night: us and a million horrible little flies which covered us in bites and we spent the entire night scratching.

Uzbek folk group singing traditional music

John from Germany

Truckers caff

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