Day 57 (10th July) Chongqing

This was a lazy day. I booked the Yangtse cruise at a travel agency on the ground floor of the hotel and then we went for a meal to a small restaurant opposite the hotel. We had steamed bread rolls which we filled with fritters and sliced celery and spring onion, apparently a popular breakfast in this part of China. We then went for a walk to buy some coffee in a supermarket and came, almost by accident, to the Buddhist temples. There were the inevitable golden statues of the Buddha and the fearsome monstrous beings which are supposed to protect the Buddha. A number of people were bowing and praying before the Buddha, or lighting candles and incense sticks. A spooky room was full of life-sized statues, presumably of notable Buddhist functionaries in the past.

Temple and tower block

The Yangtse from our room. It is brown with silt and the river which meets it is blue because it has run through the desert


Breakfast restaurant and one satisfied customer

Perfume shop

Buddha protectors

Beauty and the beast

Painted clay life-sized images of significant Buddhists

The opera we saw in Dunhwang had a scene showing this Buddhist feature

Exit from the temple

Street food

Our kebabs being cooked

Buddhist temple

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