Day 11, 13th April

After a good nights sleep in the Park and Ride carpark of Brunn-Maria-Enzersdorf station, we got the train into Vienna and visited St Stephen’s cathedral. The current Romanesque and Gothic form of the cathedral, … Read more

Day 10, 12th April

Spent the night in a Spar supermarket carpark then had a relaxing walk down to Wolfgangsee lake in the morning through Alpine meadow with a riot of wild flowers. The … Read more

Day 9, 11th April

Now I’ve recovered from yesterday I can look back and smile at an inexplicable cock-up last night. We drove round Munich following the signs for Garmisch-Partenkirchen because the satnav was … Read more

Day 8, 10th April

The early part of the day was wasted in Zeil while waiting for the Hexenturm museum to open. It didn’t, and we couldn’t find out whether it would from the … Read more

Day 7, 9th April

Long drive to Zeil-am-Main. We went to Bamberg last year where the horrendous witch-crazes took place in 1616-1619 (300 victims) and 1625-1631 (at least 900 and possibly 1,200). We saw … Read more

Day 6, 8th April

Had a nice relaxing day in Berlin. Took Cameron to the Dragonspeilplatz for a happy hour on the climbing frames, slides and swings (Cameron, not me) and then enjoyed the … Read more

Day 5, 7th April

Berlin zoo Had  lovely day with my elder son Darius and my beautiful grandson Cameron. Got train into Berlin from Ludwigsfelde and, having been told by a sign at the … Read more

Day 4, 6th April

Driving day A somewhat stressful day. Drove for 492 kms from Dortmund via Bielefeld, Hannover, Braunschweig and Magdeburg to Berlin where we are now ensconced in the railway station car … Read more

Day 3, 5th April

Totally uneventful day, drove from Versailles through Paris, Laon, Dinant, Liege, Aachen and Dusseldorf to Dortmund where we decided that this was enough for one day and we spent the … Read more

Day 2, 4th April

Visit to Sainte Chapelle After a good night’s kip at Hutopia campsite, we went in a somewhat tortuous way (due to a rail strike) to the magnificent Sainte-Chapelle cathedral. Ethereal and … Read more