Trip to Spain, November 2021

30th October (Saturday) Stornoway to Perth We spent Saturday night in our van in the ferry car park, trying to sleep despite a refrigeration lorry constantly revving up its engine. … Read more

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Im struggling to get to grips with the new WordPress layout. These pics are taken as a record of our trip to Brittany and also as practice for our next … Read more

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Rochfort-en-Terre is a very old town with a chateau restored by the American painter Alfred Klots in the early 1900’s.

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New trip being planned for 2020.

The aim is to drive to Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal before visiting Tibet again, and then through Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam before returning via China and Russia.

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Day 1, 3rd April

Got 04.00 ferry from Dover after taking picture of the famous owl which got us into trouble with some jobsworth last year when we tried to leave the terminal without … Read more

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We set off on 29th March after a very pleasant surprise when our delightful friend and neighbour Jenny Allenby, who we hadn’t seen for months, arrived back home just 20 … Read more

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