Day 18 Birunyi to Khiva (1st June)

Waking early in the morning, we got sent in all directions by people trying to be helpful, and finally found the road to Khiva about 100 metres from where we spent the night. Stopping for breakfast near some houses, two people came up to the van to ask if we needed help, assuming that we had broken down. There were plenty of police traps but they use speed cameras now; in 2018, we frequently had policemen rushing in front of us waving a red and white striped stick with a disc at the end on which was written the word “STOP”. Noticing the foreign vehicle reg, they invariably smiled and waved us on. At least with a speed camera you can demand to see the speed you are accused of while in 2018 the policeman could accuse you of driving at 140 while you were only doing 50, and then demand a fine.

We parked opposite a supermarket outside the walls of the Ichan Qala (Old Town) and, having paid an entrance fee, walked in through the Ata Darvaza gate. We asked directions to the Shahrazade Hotel where we stayed in 2018 and booked in for two nights. The hotel is run by seven brothers who are also continuing the family tradition of woodcarving, and the hotel is beautiful inside with even the bedroom doors carved. After wandering round the town we had a nice meal at the Terrassa restaurant, sitting on the terrace which gives a nice view of the town.

Lounge of the Shahrazade hotel

Picture in the lounge of the lounge of the Shahrazade hotel

Picture in the hotel

Hotel dining room

Gate to the old city

Woodworking workshop connected with the hotel

Islam Khodja Minaret

The door of a private house

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