Day 127, 1st October, Lijiang

We spent a day in Lijiang and had a short walk round the old city in the morning. Dinner was eaten in a small cafe and it began to rain so, during a lull in the rain, we made it back to the van and spent perhaps one hour sheltering from a thunder storm. In the afternoon, we followed the not-too-accurate map and walked right through the old city from south to north to see the Black Dragon Lake, passing the famous waterwheels on the way. The approach to the lake was marked by thousands of chrysanthemums.
We then managed to find our way, after asking a policeman several times, to the magnificent Mu Family mansion, which is the former home of a Naxi chieftain. It has been extensively renovated after suffering serious damage during an earthquake.
Green had arranged to meet us in the evening for a meal which was very pleasant, and we then went for a stroll through a different part of the old city which was thronged with huge numbers of young people.

lijiang street scene
Visit to Lijiang by President Putin
Jennifer at temple
Friendly man who helped us
Water wheels
Me with cow
Entrance to Black Dragon Lake
Black Dragon Lake
Street scene
Garden at Mu family Mansion
Mansion main hall
Inside main hall
Temple at mansion
Tea pancakes
Lijiang tea room
Tea in packages as carried up the Tea Horse Road
Lijiang night street scene

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